
photo of lemon in egg drawer
Lemon and Eggs. Copyright, Jean Bauer.

From 2019-2021 I ran my own consulting company, Lemon & Eggs Data Design. I am now happily employed at Akamai Technologies and am not taking paying consulting clients at this time. I do, from time to time, take on pro-bono consulting for digital humanities projects and cultural heritage groups with a strong social justice mission.

See below for my key areas of consultation. To schedule a consultation, please use the webform on the contacts page.


I work with clients to find meaningful answers in messy data. Depending on the project this can involve:

  • Data cleaning or remodeling to focus on critical metadata.
  • Data modeling to facilitate relevant analysis.
  • Data analysis and data visualization for discovering and crafting arguments.
  • New workflows for better data capture and future use.

I can work independently, partner with an existing team, and/or train your employees to accomplish these tasks.


I work with organizations who seek to generate knowledge through providing better access to data and resources. I help them become more effective by articulating their mission and goals, and by empowering their people to find new solutions. I have particular experience in:

  • Establishing and leading research centers.
  • Translating archives into digital resources.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Management consulting.

Jean Bauer

[data, design, diplomacy]